In our modern world, simple answers are sometimes exactly what problems of today require. It’s easy to find a plethora of entirely too technologically complex items for day-to-day life. Everything must be “smart” to seem relevant on a shelf, which makes my personal enjoyment of simple products that just work even more important. The Moose Rock Light kit is one such simple product, as it does exactly what a light pod should do without any flashy features to raise questions over its reliability or functionality.
Available in a 4-pack of lights starting at $119.95, or an 8-pack at $209.95, they provide the basic functionality of what anyone wants from a kit. You can either control them from a Bluetooth app on your phone or set up a switch to control them from the cabin. However, if you rather set up a switch, you should be advised that the switch isn’t provided with the kit.
A nice benefit of these rock lights is that they couldn’t be easier to mount on a roll cage or even more creative points on a vehicle since the mounting surface is ready for round mounting points straight out of the box-. Each light also comes with a more than adequate amount of wiring to suit its purpose, so you shouldn’t need to do any annoying splicing or come up with creative solutions when it comes to getting everything set up on your machine.
While these lights come in kits of 4 or 8, you can also very easily expand the amount of lights you have mounted. This expansion is possible owing to their super low amp draw and simple nature.
Providing a nice, targeted beam of light from where they are mounted, they function as more of a spotlight beam, with a substantial amount of brightness. Being able to “focus” lighting on specific parts of the ground or your vehicle also opens up some creative possibilities for how you can use these lights, either in their intended rock light purpose or otherwise.
Although these lights are certainly not a replacement for something like a lightbar for more floodlighting, the more focused beam from these little light pods can either set off some accent lighting or add more visibility onto areas like your wheels.
The light pods themselves are made of aluminum with what Moose claims is IP68 waterproofing. I can attest that the Moose Rock lights on our RZR 200 have been through plenty of water, rocks, and dust and have had no issues yet. Each pod contains 6 LEDs, which can be RGB controlled from the app to provide that much more personal touch to your vehicle. It is worth noting that we have the Moose Rock lights in blue which not only look nice but also give some good visibility off the wheels.
If you are seeking simplicity and reliability in products, these Moose Rock lights will be more than suitable to your needs. With the added functionality, and appearance benefits RGB lights in interesting mounting points can provide, as well as the solid, no-frills construction, you can depend on these lights to be a cost-effective, easy-to-mount choice.